Monday, 5 December 2011

Keep it local!

I'm supposed to be cleaning the house just now. The living room is spotless (well, by my very low standards!) and ready for us putting the Christmas tree up when Ally gets home from school today though.  I'm this [    ] close to feeling festive, the tree might just do it!  And I have a pack of ready made puff pastry in the freezer and a jar of mincemeat in the cupboard so there may even be super speedy mince pies on the go later too.

However, as I was dusting the window sill and hoovering the rug, my mind drifted off to thinking about local foodie companies. Some I already use, others are on my 'to cook' list.  One of my favourites is Chillipapas (, a company based right here in Dunfermline who make a range of curry spice mixes. As a busy mum I always have a stash of their mixes in the cupboard as they are so quick and easy.  You can just bung everything in a pot with the spices and leave it to cook.

I also know there is a company called Foodles Mixes ( just up the road in Markinch.  I haven't tried their mixes but they are right at the top of the 'to cook' list!

I'm planning to dedicate a blog post to each of them in the very near future but in the meantime if there are any Fife based companies you think I should know about then shout about it right here! I'm a big supporter of The Fife Diet ( which aims to get people eating local produce but I think supporting local companies like these should also be a part of this.  Maybe if any of them read this they can get together!

Ok, I HAVE to go and clean Alister's room. I may not make it out alive...eek...

Jill xx

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